Just like a dangerous railroad crossing or a busy crossroad this country is coming to a decision in the new year. Do we keep on the same path that has led this country into dishonor and illegal warfare and less freedom for "safety's sake", or do we turn left and go forward bravely to again be the light of freedom and human rights to the world again. I am afraid that fear will lead us not to move again, as it did in 2004, but we had an excuse in 2004, the wounds were still fresh and we were still scared and easily led astray. This time we have no excuse, we must do what is just and honorable and become the leader in the world we once were. Its time for us to make the right decisions, have the right leaders, the right lawmakers, and become the great nation we once were and can be again. We need a leader that we can be proud of, not one we make excuses for, not one that is a war criminal, not one that lies, not one that avoided a war with power and influence but has no trouble sending others to die, not one that thinks he/she is the law or is above the law; but follows and enforces the law. We have been on this false path for way to long, its time we came back to our senses and put this country back on the proper track. It won't be easy and it might even hurt at first, but we will be able to hold our head up high and have a country our children will be proud of!!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
I Always Thought They Were on the 'Right'
Maybe all us on the "Left" aren't going to hell after all. Seems even some of the "Christian 'Right'" are even coming over to the Left. Can't say I blame anyone for giving up on the Republican party and the right after all the damage wrought by president bush (I didn't capitalize it on purpose). This man and his cronies have done untold damage to our standing in the world and our economy at home. This man proudly considers is base the top one percent of the population. Only the wealthy have made out with these morons approach, while the rest of us are left behind to try to scratch our way out. Hopefully the next President can bring some respect and honour back to the office. I still don't understand how a draft dodging, drunk, coke addict got elected twice and has been allowed to run an illegal war. A war against a sovereign country that did not attack us and had nothing to do with 9-11 (even though forty percent of the population still thinks they did!!). Hopefully America will wake up from this neo-con nightmare and will become a nice and gentler nation. One that protects its workers, starts making goods and services within our own borders, protect our borders, stop the companies that use illegal aliens as slaves by huge fines and jail terms for the men and women running them, stop aggression toward countries we don't agree with, and provide universal health care to all our citizens (like any other civilized country)!! I can only pray at that church on the left..the far left!!!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Bridge Between States
This is one of the many bridges that spans the Ohio river between Indiana and Louisville, Kentucky. This bridge has always been the one that attracts my attention. I love it because its a railroad bridge and I love trains and anything that goes with them. I also love this one because it is right dowtown in the middle of it all!! A great old piece of metal work that gives one a great feeling of nostalgia....I love the reflection it gives in the afternoon sun as well!!
Light & Shadow
Here's an example of an American Goldfinch..these guys/gals feed on thistle seed that I provide in a 'seed sock'. These socks are nice because the larger birds and squirrels can't feed on them and squeeze these little guys out..they are only about four inches tall!! They are a very beautiful bird, even in their drab winter colours..they become a brilliant gold in spring...and have a wonderful advertising call. I highly recommend putting out thistle to attract these wonderful birds!!
New character in my backyard play....
I have been feeding the birds in my backyard for sometime now.. I really enjoy seeing the types of birds that live and pass through this beautiful area..its so full of life.. We have an abundance of American Goldfinches, House finches, swallows, Cardinals (of course, Carolina Wrens, Chicadees, Woodpeckers (mainly downey and hairy), bluejays, indigo buntings, ect. ect. Here lately I have noticed a few new birds I had never seen within the city limits before (not that Morganfield could really be considered urban with only 3700 people), a Cooper hawk and a Merlin. These guys/gals have decided to take up feeding on the birds I am feeding. So I guess in a round about way I am feeding them as well. At first I was upset that they were preying on my little friends and thought..these guys/gals have to eat as well, so who am I to judge what Mother Nature has set up. These birds are wonderfully graceful and powerful fliers, that have a presence that can't be denied... So I welcome them as they are an important part of the circle of life..I just have provided more cover for the prey birds to even the odds!!!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Sundog Over The Sloughs
This is a sundog that I witnessed over the sloughs outside of Geneva, Kentucky... I have been seeing these more lately than I ever have at any other time in my life...
Friday, November 23, 2007
Contrail and Sunsetting Over The Ohio
A busy sky over the Ohio right before the Thanksgiving holiday. Beautiful and scary in the same instance. Love the sunset no matter where I am!!
Flying In A Golden Sky
This shot was taken over the Ohio River, just outside of Uniontown, Kentucky and across from Indiana... A very beautiful day!!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
St. Vincent's Cemetery

I just wanted to share some shots I took the other night at St. Vincent's cemetery outside of Waverly, Kentucky. This is one of the oldest cemeteries in this area. Many people have seen orbs and other strange lights at this location..This night I didn't..it was a new moon...so it was awfully dark...actually it may have been low in the sky...but it was dark...anyway heres the photos....
More to come..I am going to shot out here from time to time to see if there is anything to the rumours...
Ohio River Bottoms In Bloom

I went down to the Ohio river near Uniontown, Kentucky a couple of days ago and found some interesting things..
The first thing I came by was a collection of geese and ducks summering in the flood waters near the boat ramp. Its fun to watch them cross the road and all of them keeping the little ones in line. The thing that amazed me were the amount of wild flowers in bloom in the Ohio river bottoms right now!! I first came across a Wild Potato Vine....this plant have heart shaped leaves and trumpet shaped blooms that are white with a small amount of purple. This plant is also called bindweed because it can choke out anything around it...small bushes, trees, and ground plants. The wildest thing is the tubers of this plant have been known to get up to thirty pounds and are edible, but bland (I don't know this myself...just looked it up!!). What really surprised me was the amount of black-eyed susans in the open fields..they were everywhere and IMHO very beautiful! But the flower that blew me away was the coneflower or the Echinacea purpurea. Absolutely gorgeous this time of year! While I was photographing this flower I see some blue streaks out the corner of my eye....I look over and I see an indigo bunting hanging out in the tall grass...A beautiful site!! This is what makes this area so special...all the natural beauty..
farm land,
flood plain,
Ohio river,
Ohio River Bottoms,
Ohio River Valley,
Friday, June 29, 2007
Friday....Yeah The Weekend!!

I am so glad its the weekend finally...its been a very hectic week. Applying to different school boards around the region and finalizing my move from Lexington. I was going to go to Lex. to finish up but with the holiday I think I might wait till after the 4th... They are having hydroplane and jet boat races on the riverfront in Evansville, IN. Its called the Freedom Festival and goes on all week. Something like of 500,000 people will visit over the weekend and week so there will be unlimited photo ops, so that might be where I go. If not I am going to the Federal Game Reserve (Higginson-Henry Game Reserve) in Union County, Kentucky to take nature photos. Either way I will have new pics for Flickr and for this blog.. So till later have a fun and safe holiday weekend!! ! Please be safe!! That goes for everyone!!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Here's some beauty....
Just so you know that I am not all about the negative...here's some beauty I recently found in my backyard and on the side of the road...The first shot is a picture of wild Chicory growing on the side of State Route 359...the coffee substitute and relative to endive that you find in your mixed green salad...Then there's the wildflower Queen Anne's Lace or Wild Carrot...yes the root is edible and the common carrot comes from this plant..also the seeds are used as herbal birth control....then you have my backyard..a bee hard at work and a butterfly working on some thistle in an open field...
Here's a link to get more info on the common chicory...
and more info on Queen Anne's Lace/Wild Carrot...
Have a great Friday!!!
wild carrot
Here's Something To Make You Go Hmmmm

Back to the ticket issue...sorry but I am p****d off!! I asked the officer who accused me of this or how he got the call. He said dispatch (which would be through 911). So while I was sitting there waiting and waiting for the giggling young ones (the KSP officer and the KVE officer) to give me a verdict on my fate, I called 911. Seems when you are going over the bridge your cell phone is directed to the Evansville 911. When i asked about the call, they were confused. They received no calls of anything like this and knew of no traffic stop being asked for. So I called Henderson 911, again the same answer. I call the non-emergancy number, again same answer (and why would a woman from E'ville, IN have the non-emergency number for the Henderson police, hmmmmm. I decided she must have called directly, girlfriend maybe? Why else would someone from Indiana have a direct line to the Kentucky State Police or the Kentucky Vehicle Enforcement. Can you say abuse of power!! Believe me this one is going to court and I am filling complaints against Officer Curtis of the KVE and the KSP officer with the badge number of 494...of course no one called me back or answered at the KSP...the commanders seem to only work Mon. through Thurs. and leave early on Thurs. Our tax dollars at work...must be nice..better than banker's hours!!! My eyes have really been opened on how these guys operate!!! Here's a pic of one of the bridges btw~~~
In Shock...
I was driving to Evansville, Indiana today from my home in Morganfield, Kentucky today. Much to my surprise I was pulled over by a Kentucky Vehicle Enforcement Officer (Officer Curtis, I will post his badge number later) when I came of the bridge that is between Henderson, KY and Evansville,IN. He was already on the side of the road and out of his vehicle and waving me to the side. So I obeyed is frantic kinetic hand commands and pulled into the middle of the construction that was being preformed their (a very unsafe place if you ask me, but I wasn't asked obviously!!). Anyway he proceeded to tell me that I had been called in for making rude hand gestures and following a lady to close...I was shocked because I had done none of the above!! The only unusual thing that happened was a lady from Indiana (according to her plates) had been cutting off cars in front of me. The cars proceeded to honk and yell at each other. I, as always, minded my own business and continued to drive...a big mistake today. She called in and decided to head off the others calling her in and since I ended up behind her I was pulled over. When I tried to tell the officer what had happened, he yelled "SHUT UP" and informed me he knew what happened from the phone call from this 'mystery' woman, that's when I said you heard this?!... Seeing the error in his ways he said no I saw you, which is amazing since he was facing away from the way we were coming...Superman eyes I guess!!!! So after an hour of getting lectured by him and his KSP buddy (while watching them giggle like school girls while they were back at there cruisers), I was given a ticket. It is amazing that in the Commonwealth of Kentucky you can be given a ticket if someone calls you in...no need for witnesses, no explanations...YOUR GUILTY!!! This isn't even the half of it....more to come tomorrow!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Just getting started!!
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