Maybe all us on the "Left" aren't going to hell after all. Seems even some of the "Christian 'Right'" are even coming over to the Left. Can't say I blame anyone for giving up on the Republican party and the right after all the damage wrought by president bush (I didn't capitalize it on purpose). This man and his cronies have done untold damage to our standing in the world and our economy at home. This man proudly considers is base the top one percent of the population. Only the wealthy have made out with these morons approach, while the rest of us are left behind to try to scratch our way out. Hopefully the next President can bring some respect and honour back to the office. I still don't understand how a draft dodging, drunk, coke addict got elected twice and has been allowed to run an illegal war. A war against a sovereign country that did not attack us and had nothing to do with 9-11 (even though forty percent of the population still thinks they did!!). Hopefully America will wake up from this neo-con nightmare and will become a nice and gentler nation. One that protects its workers, starts making goods and services within our own borders, protect our borders, stop the companies that use illegal aliens as slaves by huge fines and jail terms for the men and women running them, stop aggression toward countries we don't agree with, and provide universal health care to all our citizens (like any other civilized country)!! I can only pray at that church on the left..the far left!!!
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