Sunday, May 10, 2009

Impeach (bush) rio/kerse/hope4

My jaw hit the ground when I saw this in the train yard. I have seen some great work at the Evansville CSX train yard and I have seen some great stuff at other yards (esp. the one in Lexington, KY), but this is in a league of it own. I love the late 1800's carnival font used on the impeach (☝mpeach) or the☝for an i is classic as well. These artists are incredible, many work at night and under great pressure and have to work with speed. I am in awe when they just get tags (a pseudonym they use for themselves or a group) on half a boxcar, but this is incredible! Half the car vertically and the whole car horizontally. Not to mention, the incredible artistic ability with a spray can; I can't even spray a metal chair right!! ;-) Even if you don't agree with the act itself (I know some see it as vandalism) you have to be amazed at the talent of many of these street artists or rebel artists if you will. Isn't that what true art is supposed to do? Make you have a reaction, not necessarily a good one, and the best art hits you on many levels and makes you question many things. For me this art form does that; plus it makes getting stopped at a railroad crossing a lot more bearable!!

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