Thursday, May 28, 2009

How Low Can A Career Get?

If you want to see how low a career can get look no further than Dennis Miller. This man has gone from bad to worse quickly. This man at one time was a mildly funny comedian with a small up side on SNL doing small bit parts and doing the news, to being O’Reilly’s butt boy. Sad days indeed for Miller. His right wing fanaticism wasn’t obvious back then and makes one wonder if he is not pandering to the only segment of the population that likes talentless people, especially talentless comedians; the right wing fringe or as they like to be called “the foxnation”. FOX “news” channel (news is in quotes because I use that word lightly when used with FOX) has become the home of the talentless and home of the dying career. Many of these has beens or never have beens seem to sell their souls to get this audience that wants its world with no diversity and lily “white” (I call it lily “shite” ;-) ).

This small segment of the population follow the people that will entertain them without challenging what they believe or challenging them to think. If you can get in with Rush (the drugster as I call him) or to a lesser degree O’Reilly (the o’liar as I call him); you have a built in audience that will buy what ever type of shit you are shoveling at they time. Again, as long as it doesn’t challenge them or their lifestyle of greed and dehumanizes anyone that disagrees with them.

This clip is an example of how low Miller has gone. Not only is the joke not funny and needs to be explained (a good joke doesn’t have to be explained), its racists and demeaning (not only to the person that he is targeting, but unwittingly himself).

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