Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Need a Miracle Everyday

I was listening to an old Dead show on the way home from USI the other day. I had recieve some not so good news and was feeling a bit blue. When the song "I Need A Miracle" came on the iPod, I was thinking about how appropriate that song has been throughout my entire life and I see this brilliant sun beam touching the ground. I had to pull over and take a pic and of course that turned into a ton of pics, Can't waste a beautiful sky!! That is the one thing I am thankful about photography, it has made me see the beauty in the most glorious things and even better the most common things we take for granted. I wish everyone could see the beauty all around them, they would treat the world very differently. They wouldn't take life and the people around them for granted, and realize the little things are the things that count. The bird that flies by, the child that smiles, the way someone walks or holds their heads, and the way our pets act when we come home to them. These are the precious things, the common things we see every day and most of the time take for granted. I promised myself at that instant, on the side of the road, that I will try to realize and enjoy all the small miracles that surround me everyday, and enjoy and exhault them for how ever long I have left on this beautiful planet. We should all take time to realize what is really important and keep it in a special place in our hearts, maybe one day I will find the person that cares about things the same way I do and we can share the joy that surrounds us all. For now I will share it with the virtual world and hope I can bring a bit of happiness to others.

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