Sunday, March 16, 2008


Seeing that Easter and Easter candy is just a week away, I felt I should shed some light on the Peep Army. This photo should say it all. They are well trained and disciplined and ready to carry out there evil plans. We must stay vigilant and ready for any coming action. If your worried and full of fear, good, we all need to be ready to confront this new enemy. Known in the "intelligence" circles as the PFWD (Peeps-For-World-Domination) they are a growing threat to teeth everywhere. Taking over the world one cavity at a this Easter when you look in your or your child's Easter basket, be prepared to do the right thing and fight off these tyrants and radicals, we can't be beaten by the sugar extremists. Wake up and be informed!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Damaged....and Alone...

I was out driving this afternoon when I came past this old tree in a field. For some reason this tree always caught my eye when I passed this field, an old, strong tree standing lonely in a field. Sadly the last ice storm brought down a large chuck of this old titan's left side. I hope the farmer doesn't bring it down and I hope it lives to see a few more years, but I can only hope. I guess we all become brittle and old and become more susceptible to disease and injury the older we get, too bad that along with wisdom (I hope we all acquire some wisdom with age) that we don't grow stronger and faster as well. But as with everything in this 'verse we live in its a trade off, and wisdom comes with a price and thats I am ready for Spring!!! Promise I will get brighter on this blog the closer spring gets.....;-)

Come on spring...

Or (orton) This?
Originally uploaded by mightyquinninwky©™
Keep your eye to the ground and look for the little yellow and purple flowers called crocuses॥they are the true heralds of spring॥so ready for spring to bloom!!! This year is the first year I can say I have had enough winter weather. I think the back to back weeks with ice storms has really soured me toward winter this year. but I am sure after the long summer I will be ready for winter then. But for right now bring on the spring flowers and new growth to renew my senses, body, and mind (and spirit as well, the most important actually)!!


Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
