Friday, December 28, 2007

New character in my backyard play....

Originally uploaded by mightyquinninwky©
I have been feeding the birds in my backyard for sometime now.. I really enjoy seeing the types of birds that live and pass through this beautiful area..its so full of life.. We have an abundance of American Goldfinches, House finches, swallows, Cardinals (of course, Carolina Wrens, Chicadees, Woodpeckers (mainly downey and hairy), bluejays, indigo buntings, ect. ect. Here lately I have noticed a few new birds I had never seen within the city limits before (not that Morganfield could really be considered urban with only 3700 people), a Cooper hawk and a Merlin. These guys/gals have decided to take up feeding on the birds I am feeding. So I guess in a round about way I am feeding them as well. At first I was upset that they were preying on my little friends and thought..these guys/gals have to eat as well, so who am I to judge what Mother Nature has set up. These birds are wonderfully graceful and powerful fliers, that have a presence that can't be denied... So I welcome them as they are an important part of the circle of life..I just have provided more cover for the prey birds to even the odds!!!

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