Saturday, April 4, 2009

Rights vs. the "Right"& the Wrong

Originally uploaded by mightyquinninwky©™
I had a bit of trouble in E'ville with "csx enforcers" or at least thats what he said (i ran into across the river in KY and he was very cool, just doing his job) the guy in E'ville start w/ private property approach (I was on a public road) and then said I couldn't even shoot from my car if I was going to put them online..somehow they own all images of their trains (at least they like to think so)...if they are so against their trains being photographed build walls along all your tracks...otherwise we are free to shoot from public or land w/ permission they don't own or lease..once I called the private prop. deal and the open view..he brought up homeland security..anyone in law enforcement or security bring that up when they want to scare or get around rights they have no clue about..that is the magic catch all or their "trump" card..the hope fear will grab the person...fear of being held..or called a terrorists..the thing is I am a citizen..I have rights...many people died for those rights..and I would rather be in danger with rights, than safe and secure with on rights...freedom comes with danger..if you walk out your door and there is no longer any danger, you are no longer living in a free country...I thought everyone was getting over the homeland security thing..but the "right" leaning people in this country seem to want to live in fear, don't know how to act if they aren't living in fear...they hold up the constitution and talk about the founding fathers..but know nothing of about freedom, but have no clue what that word means...ignorance is the biggest enemy of freedom and the best tool of those that would control you...information and the ability to discern this information is your greatest exercise that organ that is used for this (your brain) and exercise your freedom..other with the extremists across the seas and especially the ones in our government and in our churches will win..Wake Up & Smarten Up..spread the word...

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