Saturday, February 21, 2009

Forever Young (reliving Optimus and the Transformers)

I was going through some toy pics I did in the past and came across this. I had to get the toy out and mess with it.. I guess I will never grow up mentally.. a good thing in my book. I can be mature when I need to be, but young at heart and mind is something we should all strive for day to day. Anyway I really like the angle here, but I may do some shots this coming week with my new Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi..just to see how they turn out. This is the Takara Japanese Version of the Ultimate Optimus Prime. Metal and plastic action figure that stands almost two feet tall and articulated everywhere and transforms completely. I was used on Robot Chicken in the Optimus gets Colon Cancer sketch...very dark and funny can catch it on "Adult Swim" on to ya soon..stay safe and in Bob Dylans eternal words "Stay forever young...."

Friday, February 20, 2009

Put Your Joke Here____________________

I was out taking pics in the Ice Storm of known as the "Storm of the Decade" on the banks of the Might Ohio River near Uniontown, Kentucky. If you want to see where that is go to the pics Flickr page and its geotagged..using Google Maps... Anyway I was looking for wildlife and how the storm had affected the river itself and came across this sign. Couldn't resist taking a shot of it...'nuff said!!! =-)

Male House Finch Perched in the Freezing Rain

Here's a shot taken during the freezing rain we recieved a couple of weeks ago. Not only was it rough on us weak humans but the wild animals had a time as well. Tree breaking everywhere and food sources under two inches of solid ice. Being the sap I am I made sure to put seed and food out for the animals every so often when I notice a thick layer of ice on it. Of course power went out, if someone sneezes hard the power goes out for a day, so you can imagine how bad it was when there is three inches of ice and three inches of snow. Especially in an area that comes to a stand still with only snow!! What kills me is the fact that KU over the years have laid off and refused to hire employees, no longer do you see KU trucks going around repairing the electrical infrastructure, more and more they wait for damage and half way fix it then and rely of less of their own employees and have to depend on private contractors. Instead of keeping employees to keep up our electrical infrastructure they lay them off and give themselves (the CEO and board) big bonus and cry poor when they are questioned about work crews. We used to have a couple of crews just for our county, but now they only keep one for the four county area. That is completely wonder it took a week and half to get our power back and that was fast compared to a lot of people in this area. The people down the road were out for three weeks and some people in severely rural areas are still waiting. I understand the weather is out of their control and know that outages occur, but this aging infrastructure can't take anything anymore..why not bury the wires so trees and the such won't take them down, or have some sort of up keep so the lines won't fall at the drop of a hat, quite literally. Anyway I am glad the ice is gone, nice to shoot with my camera for a day, but tha enough for me. I love snow but the ice isn't even for the birbs =)...This year I am ready for spring..I guess being single again is making me ready for spring as well...a few of my fave bands are on tour and a concert or four would really put me in a better mood anyway... Oh, we had a wind storm a few days after the ice went from 10 degrees F to 60 degrees F in a couple of days with 50 mile an hour gusts..and of course no power at home or on campus (except for a couple of the classroom buildings) for a couple of more days. And USI had to have class....inbetween no hot water for a week and no power on campus during the ice storm and the wind storm..people were beginning to get a bit ripe..thank goodness the hot water is back... I personally used the locker room showers at the PAC..Physical Activities Center =)...just went into the weight room early in the morning and acted like I had a quick workout and took showers there....Where theres a will there is a way!! Hope everyone is doing well btw!!

My Cover

Originally uploaded by mightyquinninwky©™
This is the cover of the atlas that bought and used my pic. I took this last year on the banks of the Ohio. I was across US41 South from Ellis Park on the bank. A beautiful early October afternoon, beautiful blue sky listening to "Ladies and Gentlemen...." The Grateful Dead..the last night of the four night stand at Filmore West. Great show and inspired me to take some interesting pics. I thought someone was playing a joke on me when I recieved the email requesting the use of the photo and offering money too. Thats what made me think it was a joke!!! Well come to find out it was real. Not a huge deal, but it made my day nontheless and enough money to invest in a new Canon EOS Rebel XTi. Love it btw. Just thought I would share this with everyone...


Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
