Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Watch Out...Someone's Watching You

This is something I really miss about living in a larger city or town..the graffiti. This piece here is a stellar example of the art of graffiti, but I found it rather humors. The first time it caught my eye I thought it was an elephant looking over a dumpster, then the COP caught my attention and I realized it may be a really bad rendering of a sow or boar (what is commonly known as a pig). Then I noticed the pink in the "ear" and realized that was probably what the aspiring artist and social commentator was trying to get at....It looks as if he/she was interrupted in the process of colouring in his/her work of art [hopefully it was by the subject of scorn- ;-) ]. I am going to have to take some time and search Evansville for some interesting street art, and if I don't find any there, you can always find interesting stuff on train box cars. Actually I have found many great pieces on trains...moving art if you will. So next time you see this stuff on a boring run down brick wall or a rusty box car don't look at like vandalism ( and I don't agree with it when it is on new buildings or occupied businesses) but as a message board, a beautification project, self expression, or a public forum for discontent or even a public service announcement. I always felt it was like the salt and pepper of the city..a little spice when it might have been bland otherwise!! IMHO of course!!! Have a great week and weekend!!

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