Sunday, May 4, 2008

If it were this easy.....

As I have said before, I am going back to school to get a degree in Education (Primary/Elementary) with a technology and special ed. endorsement. Anyway, this is my third time around and will be my second degree (AS in Liberal Arts from HCTC) and the many hours I received in Political Science and Psychology at the University of Kentucky. I am now attending the University of Southern Indiana and liking it quite a bit. I do feel strange being older than half my teachers, but thats the price you pay being a "non-traditional" student. Got to love the labels, they have to label you or they can't do a thing with you. They start labeling you when your a child and the labels morph and grow as you get older. Some people grow out of their labels, and unfortunately others grow into their labels. Labels can be very dangerous and very bad stumbling block along a person's path in life. Please remember that when you are labeling someone, if they don't fit the label perfectly, watch out, they may just grow into it. That can be a bad thing if its not a savory label.
But back to the point, I go off on tangents easily, school has become easier or I have become smarter. I really don't believe the latter, so the first option must be true. I have definitely become somewhat wiser, thank God. Everyone knows I have made enough mistakes in this life to be the wisest man on the planet; unfortunately I have to make the same mistake a few times to really learn the lesson. But back to the point again, they have really softened the classes in these universities compared to the first time I went (1988-1992). I have only taken off a few semesters between 1995 and 2007, I tried to take at least one class ever semester since 1992 and i think I only missed four. So I have seen the classes at a few different schools quickly lower their standards. This is a scary situation and the main problem is money. These schools are to the point of caring much more about tuition than turning out good graduates. Makes me think we all need help buttons, so we can have someone wiser and more intelligent than us, give us unbiased advice. Unfortunately that button doesn't exist so all we can do is try and make due with what is around us and try and make our little part of the world better. I used to worry about the worlds ills (and I still do), but I no longer worry about changing the world, I just try and change my little part of it and hope others will follow my lead... have a great week!! And may all the things you need, not want but need come to you and yours!!


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